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The Cross is a Powerful Symbol

Updated: Sep 18, 2023

For Christians, the cross is a powerful symbol of our faith. It reminds us of Christ’s gift for us – His life, death, and resurrection. His death was so much more than the ending of a human life; it was a new beginning for all of us. Truly, He showed us how to love one another.

Easter commemorates the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. All are invited to have a passion for Christ – to live our faith following His example. But at some point, every Christian asks the question, “Where can I find Him?” The answer can be found in Matthew 25 when Christ says: “When you do it for the least of my brethren, you do it for me. Every time we serve someone in need, we catch a glimpse of His face. We see Him in the faces of children in need, men with broken spirits, elderly grandmothers and grandfathers in need.

At one time or another, we all have a “cross to bear” – whether it’s a financial setback, poor health or the loss of a loved one. The Easter Season is a good time to reflect, not only on the crosses we have to bear throughout life, but also on the many blessings that God has given us.

For many of the people we serve, life itself has become burdensome. When every day is a struggle just to survive, it would be so easy to give up. Poverty causes hunger and hopelessness, despair and desperation. So often, in the darkest hour of need, someone extends a helping hand, shining the bright light of Christ into a life that is almost at the breaking point.

Throughout 2022, St. Vincent de Paul continued to be a beacon of light radiating hope to the underserved in the community by providing over 255,000 meals, and over 26,000 homeless shelter guest nights for men, women, and children.

It is tough to be a child in today’s complicated world, but it should not be! What a blessing it is to see the joy in a child’s face when their lives are brighten with a simple act of giving. You can see hope and excitement in the eyes and smiles of Ariel, Tay, and Meagan, in the photos above, right after getting a simple Easter basket full of candy. Most importantly, throughout the year, we assist thousands of children in need with the most basic of needs – food, clothing, shelter, school uniforms and so much more.

We are all God’s instruments, and we make a real impact when we reach out to the least among us. Please consider helping us provide hope to all those we serve by giving a gift by mail, online (by clicking here). Whether you can afford to give at this time or not, please pray for all of God’s children, young or old, that we serve.

Thank you for your support of our work in our community. May God bless you and your family during this Easter Season.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Michael J. Acaldo

President & CEO

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