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Love One Another

Holy Week is the holiest of times, and although it marks the end of the Lenten Season, it does not end our focus on Christ’s message and sacrifice.  His challenge to each of us is to make every day holy.  

On Holy Thursday, Jesus powerfully said: “I give you a new commandment:  love one another.  As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.  This is how all will know that you are my disciples…”  Centuries later, the power of those words has not diminished. 

In today’s world, we are Christ’s eyes, and we see the suffering in our community.  We are His hands, and we reach out to others.  Why do we become sad when someone else is in pain?  Why do our hearts break when we see a grandmother in ragged clothes, or a hungry child?  Those are the times we hear Christ’s voice most clearly, asking us to do what is right and good, to do what He would do if He were still here on Earth.  Across the ages, He still speaks to us.

At St. Vincent de Paul, we see every person as a child of God, and it’s a privilege to serve them on His behalf.  The need is urgent, and the numbers are staggering.  Last year, we provided 31,230 guest nights of shelter; served 310,897 meals; and filled prescriptions worth nearly $700,000, and this year, we are going to serve even more.  But we don’t care for numbers – we care for people.  We never forget that every number represents an individual with a name and a story.  

To see the faces of the individuals who come to us – like those in the photos above of Bailee, Lynn, Jay and Steve – is to witness suffering and anxiety transformed into relief and joy.  A nourishing meal; a change of clothing; a warm bed and the safety of four walls; a life-sustaining medication; these are all prayers that Christ is answering through people like you. 

During this Holy Season, we are especially grateful for the people who make our work possible.  Thank you for extending a helping hand of hope to those in need in the past.  

We are called to love one another, and with His help, we can perform simple miracles.  We can turn misery into hope; despair into joy.  And through service to others, our own faith is strengthened.  Will you support our efforts once again by calling (225) 383-7837 ext.0 to make a financial gift?   Whether you can afford to give at this time or not, please pray for all of God’s children, young or old, that we serve.  

You can see hope and excitement in the eyes and smiles of Bailee, Lynn, Jay and Steve, right after getting what they needed most.  Just like we do for thousands of children and adults in need throughout the year whether it’s – food, clothing, shelter, school uniforms, and so many other simple basic necessities of life.

Thank you for your tremendous support of our work in our community.  May God bless you and your family during this Easter Season. 

Sincerely yours in Christ, 

Michael J. Acaldo

President & CEO


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